SnapGear 1.7.8 User Manual
Page 6

Term Meaning
millions of people worldwide. The Internet is technically distinguished
because it uses the TCP/IP set of protocols.
A private TCP/IP network within an enterprise.
Internet Protocol Security. IPSec provides interoperable, high quality,
cryptographically-based security at the IP layer and offers protection
for network communications.
Local Area Network.
LED Light-Emitting
MAC address
The hardware address of an Ethernet interface. It is a 48-bit number
usually written as a series of 6 hexadecimal octets, e.g.
00:d0:cf:00:5b:da. A SnapGear appliance has a MAC address for
each Ethernet interface. These are listed on a label on the
underneath of the device.
The process when a gateway on a local network modifies outgoing
packets by replacing the source address of the packets with its own
IP address. All IP traffic originating from the local network appears to
come from the gateway itself and not the machines on the local
Network Address Translation. The translation of an IP address used
on one network to an IP address on another network. Masquerading
is one particular form of NAT.
Net mask
The way that computers know which part of a TCP/IP address refers
to the network, and which part refers to the host range.
Network Time Protocol (NTP) used to synchronize clock times in a
network of computers.
Port Address Translation. The translation of a port number used on
one network to a port number on another network.
Point-to-Point Protocol. A networking protocol for establishing simple
links between two peers.
Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet. A protocol for connecting users
on an Ethernet to the Internet using a common broadband medium
(e.g. single DSL line, wireless device, cable modem, etc).
Point to Point Tunneling Protocol. A protocol developed by
Microsoft™ that is popular for VPN applications. Although not
considered as secure as IPSec, PPP is considered “good enough”
technology. Microsoft has addressed many flaws in the original
Road warrior
A remote machine with no fixed IP address.
A network device that moves packets of data. A router differs from
hubs and switches because it is “intelligent” and can route packets to
their final destination.
Subnet mask
See “Net mask”.
A network device that is similar to a hub, but much smarter. Although