SUUNTO Stopwatch User Manual
Page 20

The default heart rates for zones 1-3 are 60-70%, 70-80%, and 80-90% of your maximum heart
rate, but if you are following a specially designed training program, enter the zone values that have
been tailored towards your individual goals. The benefits of training in each default zone are shown
in the following table.
Main benefit
Default setting
Heart rate
Improves your basic endurance, aerobic fitness, and helps you
in weight control (fat burning zone)
60 - 70% of maximum heart
Zone 1 (Fit-
ness Zone)
Improves your aerobic fitness. This is the preferred zone if you
are training for an endurance event.
70 - 80% of maximum heart
Zone 2 (Aer-
obic Zone)
Improves your maximum aerobic capacity, and lactate tolerance
ability - meaning your maximum endurance will improve and you'll
be able to fight fatigue better.
80 - 90% of maximum heart
Zone 3
The heart rate zone defaults follow the guidelines of the American College
of Sports Medicine for exercise prescription.
The device alerts you with a beep when you move from one zone to another so you can modify
your training accordingly.
The average heart rate is also a useful measure during training where the heart rate levels vary
a lot, such as biking in hilly terrain. In these cases, the target zone limits are less practical than
the average heart rate.