Maintenance and care – Siemens CENTRA Behind-the-Ear System User Manual
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Maintenance and care
Your new CENTRA hearing system is a highly sensitive system.
Proper care and handling will ensure the best possible
Earwax may accumulate on your earmold. If not cleaned regu-
larly you can damage the hearing system or cause health pro-
blems. Therefore:
1. It is essential to detach the ear-
mold from your behind-the-ear
system and then place it in the
cleaning bath. Caution: Do NOT
put the hearing system in water,
only the earmold.
2. Occasionally bring your hearing
system to your hearing instru-
ment specialist to have the
hearing tube changed and the
system checked.
Care tips:
• You should place your hearing
system in a "dry aid kit" with a special
moisture-attracting capsule overnight.
The drying capsule draws damaging
moisture out of the system.
• Your hearing instrument specialist can
provide you with special care sets and
drying capsules to keep your hearing
system in good condition.
Always store your hea-
ring system in the case