General cell/b.e. programming documents, Cbe registers – Sony VERSION 1.0 User Manual
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Guide to Cell/B.E. Programming Documentation
Version 1.0, August 2008
© 2008 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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General Cell/B.E. Programming Documents
CBE Registers
Cell Broadband Engine Public Information and Downloads
358 pages.
Assembly-language programmers writing application or system programs.
Hardware and software details of how the problem-state (user) and privilege-state (supervisor) registers operate. The
register fields are illustrated, bit-by-bit, and their functions are described. All registers are considered to be memory-
mapped I/O (MMIO) registers, whether or not the registers are associated with an I/O device. An MMIO register is any
internal or external register that is accessed through the main-storage space with load and/or store instructions.
Recommended Use
Use this document throughout software development, together with the
and other PPE
and SPE reference documents.
Document Sections
The document has the following sections:
1. Cell Broadband Engine Memory-Mapped I/O Registers: The base addresses and offset ranges of all CBE registers.
2. PowerPC Processor Element (PPE) MMIO Registers: Registers used by for the PPE.
3. Synergistic Processor Element MMIO Registers: Registers used by the SPEs.
4. BEI I/O Command (IOC) MMIO Registers: Registers used by the I/O interface controller for commands.
5. IOC Address Translation MMIO Registers: Registers used by the I/O interface controller for address translation.
6. Internal Interrupt Controller (IIC) MMIO Registers: Registers used by the internal interrupt controller.
7. Memory Interface Controller (MIC) MMIO Registers: Registers used by the memory interface controller.
8. Token Manager (TKM) MMIO Registers: Registers used by the token manager.
9. CBE Distribution (BED) of I/O MMIO Registers: Registers used by the CBE distribution bus.
10. Element Interconnect Bus (EIB) MMIO Registers: Registers used by the element interconnect bus, which handles
communication between the PPE, SPEs, memory, and I/O devices.
11. Pervasive MMIO Registers: Registers used by the pervasive logic, which performs power management, thermal
management, clock control, software-performance monitoring, and trace analysis.
12. PowerPC Processor Element Special Purpose Registers: Special purpose registers (SPRs) used in privileged state
by the PPE and read or written using special PowerPC instructions.
Recommended Prerequisites
Read or browse:
Further Details
PowerPC Microprocessor Family: The Programming Environments Manual for 64-Bit Microprocessors