General cell/b.e. programming documents, Cbe registers – Sony VERSION 1.0 User Manual

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Guide to Cell/B.E. Programming Documentation

Version 1.0, August 2008

© 2008 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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General Cell/B.E. Programming Documents

CBE Registers

Cell Broadband Engine Public Information and Downloads


358 pages.


Assembly-language programmers writing application or system programs.


Hardware and software details of how the problem-state (user) and privilege-state (supervisor) registers operate. The
register fields are illustrated, bit-by-bit, and their functions are described. All registers are considered to be memory-
mapped I/O (MMIO) registers, whether or not the registers are associated with an I/O device. An MMIO register is any
internal or external register that is accessed through the main-storage space with load and/or store instructions.

Recommended Use

Use this document throughout software development, together with the

CBE Programming Handbook

and other PPE

and SPE reference documents.

Document Sections

The document has the following sections:

1. Cell Broadband Engine Memory-Mapped I/O Registers: The base addresses and offset ranges of all CBE registers.

2. PowerPC Processor Element (PPE) MMIO Registers: Registers used by for the PPE.

3. Synergistic Processor Element MMIO Registers: Registers used by the SPEs.

4. BEI I/O Command (IOC) MMIO Registers: Registers used by the I/O interface controller for commands.

5. IOC Address Translation MMIO Registers: Registers used by the I/O interface controller for address translation.

6. Internal Interrupt Controller (IIC) MMIO Registers: Registers used by the internal interrupt controller.

7. Memory Interface Controller (MIC) MMIO Registers: Registers used by the memory interface controller.

8. Token Manager (TKM) MMIO Registers: Registers used by the token manager.

9. CBE Distribution (BED) of I/O MMIO Registers: Registers used by the CBE distribution bus.

10. Element Interconnect Bus (EIB) MMIO Registers: Registers used by the element interconnect bus, which handles

communication between the PPE, SPEs, memory, and I/O devices.

11. Pervasive MMIO Registers: Registers used by the pervasive logic, which performs power management, thermal

management, clock control, software-performance monitoring, and trace analysis.

12. PowerPC Processor Element Special Purpose Registers: Special purpose registers (SPRs) used in privileged state

by the PPE and read or written using special PowerPC instructions.

Recommended Prerequisites

Read or browse:


CBE Programming Handbook

Further Details



PowerPC Microprocessor Family: The Programming Environments Manual for 64-Bit Microprocessors


Cell Broadband Engine Architecture


PowerPC Architecture Books I, II, and III