Saitek chess User Manual
Page 5

Ready to enter the exciting world of computer chess? You’ve come to
the right place! Your new computer offers so many game options,
playing levels, and special features—you’ll never look at chess the
same way again! The
Quick Start
at the front of the manual will get you
playing right away, and you’ll find more details on basic game operation
in Section 1. Once you learn the basics, be sure to go on and explore
the rest of this manual, even if you normally don’t like to read instruction
booklets! You’ll discover that this chess computer has all kinds of other
interesting and fun-filled features that will delight you—we guarantee it!
Your new computer knows and follows all the rules of chess—you
can be sure that it will never cheat! For those of you who haven’t played
before, we have included a short overview of the rules to get you
started. For more detailed information, why not visit your local library,
where you’re sure to find lots of interesting chess books!
First, Install the Batteries
Your computer runs on three “AAA” (Type AM4/RO3) batteries. Insert
the batteries into the compartment in the base of the unit, making sure
to observe the correct polarity. Use fresh alkaline batteries for longer
battery life!
Turn the computer on by pressing GO/STOP, and a beep will signal
that the game is ready to play. If the computer fails to respond (static
discharge may cause it to lock up), use a paper clip or another sharp
object to press down into the hole marked ACL in the base of the unit
for at least one second. This will reset the computer.
Tip: To conserve energy and extend battery life, turn on the Auto
Power Down option (see Section 5.1).
Ready to Play? Here’s How to Move!
Okay, now it’s time to start a game! It’s easy—just follow these steps:
a. Press GO/STOP to turn the computer on, if you haven’t already
done so.
b. Press the CLEAR and ENTER keys together to reset the com-
puter for a new game of chess. Set up the pieces in their starting
positions, with the White pieces nearest to you, as shown in the
Quick Start
c. To make a move, lightly press down on the piece you want to
move until you hear a beep—the sensory board will recognize
your piece automatically. Don’t believe it? Just look at the display
window, which is suddenly full of information—it shows your
piece, along with the piece color and the square you just pressed!
d. Take that piece and gently press it down into the hole of the
square you are moving to. You’ll hear a second beep as the
computer confirms your move. You’ve just made your first full
move of the game! Next, it’s the computer’s turn.
You’ll notice that the computer often moves instantly at the beginning
of a game, instead of taking time to think. This is because it is playing
from memory, using a built-in “book” of opening moves (for more
information, see Section 2.7).
Now It’s the Computer’s Turn
When the computer moves, it beeps and displays its move. Check out
the display window—you’ll see the from and to squares of the
computer’s move, along with the color and type of piece it is moving!
Press the indicated piece down on the from square until you hear a
beep. Move that same piece to the indicated to square and press it
down to complete the computer’s move. And it’s your turn again…
Change Your Mind? Take Back!
When you’re playing chess against this computer, nothing is “set in
stone”—you can change your mind or decide to play a different move
whenever you want! When it’s your turn to move, simply press TAKE
BACK, and the display will show the move to be taken back. Press the
indicated piece down on the original to square, then press it down on
the original from square to complete the take-back. Repeat this as
often as you’d like, taking back up to 30 individual moves (or 15 moves
for each side). To continue playing at any point, just make another move
on the board!
After taking back a capture and/or pawn promotion, the computer will
make sure that your board is still set up correctly by reminding you to
put the captured piece and/or pawn back on the board! It does this by
displaying the piece symbol and its square location. Put the indicated
piece back on the board and press down on that square to complete
the take-back.