Painting the speakers and grilles – Sonance MERLOT M-SERIES User Manual

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• The FastMount tabs will

prevent the speaker from
falling out of the mounting
hole, allowing the installer to
let go of the speaker to pick-
up tools or other items

Figure 11).

Note: The FastMount tabs

are designed for one-time

use only. If the speaker is

removed from the mount-

i n g h o l e t h e Fas t M o u n t

tabs will disconnect and

remain inside the wall.

6. Tighten the four screws on the

front of the speaker baffle. The
RotoLock clamps will automati-
cally rotate into position and
begin clamping the speaker

Figure 12).

• When you notice resistance on the screws the speaker has been clamped successfully.


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Note: The speaker f lange is designed to f lex and confor m to any small imper fections in the wall

sur face. Do not tighten the screws so much so that the f lange bows-out.

7. Attach the grille after the speaker has been installed. Insert about half of the grille into the groove at the edge of the

speaker. Gently fit the remaining half of the grille by working around the speaker, fitting the grille into the groove as
you go.

Note: You can adjust the torque applied to the RotoLock screws to achieve a proper gr ille f it.

Painting The Speakers and Grilles

You can paint the speakers and grilles before installing them, which will eliminate the “paint scar” that can be left on the
wall if the speaker ever needs to be removed for service. You can also paint the speakers after installation, but before the
grilles are attached. All Sonance Merlot speakers come from the factory fitted with a plastic ‘paint plug’ that protects the
speaker drivers while the mounting flange is being painted.

Sonance always suggests painting the grille separately from the speaker. Before painting, carefully remove the
under-grille cloth. It is held in place with a light tacking glue that makes it easy to remove.

Spray the grilles with thinned paint (5 parts thinner to 1 part paint), being careful not to plug the holes. Too heavy a coat
of paint on the grille will adversely affect the sound of the speaker.

Once the grilles and flange are painted and dry, replace the under-grille cloth, remove the paint plug from the mounting
flange and install the grille.

Figure 11:

FastMount Tabs




Figure 12:

Tightening the RotoLock Clamps