Security levels – Schlage CYLINDERS User Manual

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C Y L I N D E R S , K E Y S A N D K E Y C O N T R O L

Level One
One standard side bitting is allocated for Level One systems. Level
One locksmiths are permitted to stock Level One Primus cylinders
and keys on a local basis. The end user is assigned an I.D. card
by the locksmith which must be presented to obtain additional keys.

Level One Plus
Primus Level One Plus combines the convenience of locally stocked
keys and cylinders with the security of multiple side bittings
distributed on a limited basis. Level One Plus key blanks are sold
to a wholesaler on a nationwide exclusive basis. These blanks are
distributed through select locksmiths who are assigned unique
ID numbers. Level One Plus locksmiths are only able to stock and
duplicate keys with their own I.D. number on them. End users
are issued an I.D. card which must be presented to the originating
locksmith to obtain additional keys.

Level Two
Level Two systems provide local service and inventory of Primus
products, but on a more restricted basis. Level Two offers the end
user a special side bitting which is exclusive to a contract hardware
dealer within his time zone. The Primus Level Two dealer cuts all
keys and performs all keying services after validating the Primus
I.D. card and verifying the customer signature.

Level Three
At Level Three the Schlage factory maintains control of the
Primus key authorizations. For systems with fewer than 60 cylinders,
Schlage assigns the side bitting from a small pool of combinations
that may be repeated locally. For systems over 60 cylinders,
the side bitting is assigned to each installation based on the first
two digits of the zip code. Authorized signatures are verified by
the Schlage factory with each order for key blanks, duplicate keys
or additions to a factory master keyed system.

Level Four
As with Level Three, the factory maintains control of Primus
Level Four key authorizations. Side bittings are assigned on either a
time zone or nationwide basis, depending on the end user’s purchase
commitment. Authorized signatures are verified by the Schlage
factory with each order for key blanks, duplicate keys or additions
to a factory master keyed system.

Security Levels

The Primus system features multiple levels of security. Primus systems with Classic keyways (Levels 1 through 4) are ideal for upgrading
older key systems. All new systems should be specified with Everest keyways (Levels 7 - 9) for maximum patent life, durability, and master
keying capacity. Each level requires an appropriate I.D card and/or signature verification for key duplication. All levels utilize patent
protected Primus cylinders and keys to protect against unauthorized duplication. To select the proper level of security, consideration should
be given to the overall key control, convenience and service required for the installation.

Everest Primus does not have an equivalent level to the Classic
Level One. Users seeking restricted key systems should consider
an Everest Restricted key system. Everest Restricted key systems
provide key control via a factory verified letter of authorization
containing a shipping address for all keys and key blanks.

Level Seven - Wholesaler/Locksmith
Similar to Level One Plus, Level Seven offers key blanks with
side bittings that are distributed on a limited basis. Level Seven
key blanks are sold to a wholesaler on a nationwide exclusive
basis. These blanks are distributed through select locksmiths who
are assigned unique I.D. numbers. Level One Plus locksmiths are
only able to stock and duplicate keys with their own I.D. number
on them. End users are issued an I.D. card which must be
presented to the originating locksmith to obtain additional keys.

Level Eight - Servicing Dealer
Level Eight systems combine the durability and long patent life
of Everest C Family keyways with the security controls of
Classic Primus Level Two. Level Eight offers any servicing
dealer approved by Schlage a time zone exclusive side bitting.
The dealer cuts all keys and performs all keying services after
validating the customer signature on the I.D. card.

Level Nine - End User
Level Nine combines the end user features of Classic Primus
Level Three and Level Four. For Level Nine systems with fewer
than 60 cylinders, Schlage assigns the side bittings randomly
from a small pool of factory controlled combinations. Systems
over 60 cylinders are assigned exclusive side bittings based on
the first two digits of the zip code. For very large systems, time
zone or nationwide exclusive side bitting exclusivity is also
available based on the end user’s purchase commitment. Authorized
signatures are verified by the Schlage factory with each order
for key blanks, duplicate keys or additions to a factory master
keyed system.





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