SmartBridges sB3210 User Manual

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airPoint™ Nexus User Configuration Guide

i n t e l l i g e n t w i r e l e s s p l a t f o r m

Table 5-1 System Configuration

5.1.2. SNMP Security

User can edit the SNMP Community String and SNMP Access filters. To change the SNMP security
settings, click on the SNMP security link in the System Configuration page. Figure 13 shows the
SNMP Security Configuration page.

Follow the steps below to change the SNMP security settings:

1. Enter New Community and Confirm Community with the same string.
2. Check the ‘SNMP Access Filters’ Enable box.
3. Enter Access Filters IP Address and Mask. Three IP’s settings are provided.
4. Click the ’Apply Changes’ button.

Page Item


System Name

Displays name of airPoint™ unit
Allows user to change airPoint™ unit name

System Description

Displays description of airPoint™ unit
Allows user to change airPoint™ unit description

SNMP Security

Access the SNMP security settings


Reset device

Delayed Reset

Schedule a reset

NTP Server

NTP server setup, as well as NTP time if server is setup

Software Version

Display the installed firmware version

Radio Firmware

Display the installed radio firmware version

Edit Configuration

Provide link to edit IP, radio, configurations

Reset To Factory

Reset device to factory defaults

Ethernet MTU Size

Set the Ethernet MTU Size

Syslog server IP

Display the current message syslog server IP Address.
User can change the IP address.


Display the current SNMP trap IP address.
User can change the IP address.

Log Level

Display the current Log Level


Display the current led on status.
User can change the Led on status to on/off

Current Operational

Display the current operational mode.
User can change the current operational mode.