SmartBridges sB3210 User Manual

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airPoint™ Nexus User Configuration Guide

i n t e l l i g e n t w i r e l e s s p l a t f o r m

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Preamble Settings

a) Shows current value
b) Choose other settings available from pull-down menu

The radio preamble is a section of data at the head of a packet that
contains information the airPoint™ Device and Remote devices need
when sending and receiving packets.

The pull-down menu shows user to select a long, short or dynamic radio
preamble. Default is dynamic.

Long: a long preamble ensures compatibility with most clients.

Short: a short preamble improves throughput performance. But only allow
short preamble capable clients to associate.

Dynamic: a dynamic preamble allows mixing of short and long preamble.

Throughput Optimizer

Throughput Optimizer is used to optimize the radio link speed.

The valid range is 0 to 10. A higher value means the radio will attempt to
establish the highest possible data rate in an aggressive way.

A smaller value ensures a more stable link. The Throughput Optimizer
settings can be varied to achieve a most stable link.

Follow the steps below to change the parameters:

1. From the ’Radio Configuration’ page click on the ’Performance’ link.
2. Choose the ’Fragment Length’ from the pull-down list.
3. Choose the ’RTS/CTS Length’ from the pull-down list.
4. Enter the RSSI Threshold.
5. Choose the ’Preamble Settings’ from the pull-down list.
6. From ‘Throughput Optimizer’ pull-down list, choose an appropriate value.
7. Click on the ’Apply Changes’ button to change the settings.

Figure 2-9 airPoint Bridge Performance Settings