Security – SmartBridges sB3210 User Manual
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airPoint™ Nexus User Configuration Guide
i n t e l l i g e n t w i r e l e s s p l a t f o r m
The Security Configuration page allows the client devices to authenticate with the airPoint™ unit by
using different security modes.
Follow the steps below to configure the airPoint™ unit with Security Parameters:
1. Click the Security link from the ‘Radio Main’ page.
2. Click on the Required Security Mode.
If the user selects the Security Mode as:
1) None:
There is no Security involved and any client device can associate with the airPoint Bridge. For WDS
clients such as the airClient in Bridge mode, please enter in the WDS table.
2) WEP ONLY (Wireless Equivalent Privacy):
WEP key encryption is used. The following table describes the information for the WEP only Settings:
Table 3-1 WDS Table
Page Items
Select authentication method between open system and shared key
Open system: Open System is null authentication. With WEP enabled and
valid WEP key on both ends, it provides data encryption. Clients without
correct WEP key still can associate but can not send packet through.
Shared key: Strict authentication for both authentication and data
encryption. Clients must provide valid WEP key to associate
WEP Key Type
WEP Key Size
Choose encryption key size between 40bits and 104bits
When key size is changed, all 4 keys are lost and user needs to re-enter.
64 bits: User has to input 10 HEX digits.
128 bits: User has to input 26 HEX digits.
Valid Key
Choose which key in key table is used for authentication: 1 – 4
This value must be matching between the airPoint™ device and the Client.
Key Table
Display / Set WEP keys
A maximum of four keys can be set.
The following page shows you the Security mode (WEP only) configuration: