Introduction, Daw controller features summary, Communication with the daw – Solid State Logic Duality 82S6DUA20C User Manual

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Duality Operator’s Manual

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When connected to a Digital Audio Workstation that supports the HUI or Mackie Control Universal (MCU) control

protocols, the Duality console becomes a powerful digital work surface controller, giving direct access to the

most important controls within the DAW. The console faders can be used to control the workstation faders and

sends, the channel D-pots can be used to control pans, sends and I/O functions, and the Master Control Panel

and plug-in controller provide easy access to a range of other parameters.

For an up to date list of compatible DAW applications please visit:

This section

of the manual is largely based on use with Digidesign’s Pro Tools package, with supplementary pages for other

packages, whose functionality will depend on their implementation of the HUI or MCU control protocols.

DAW Controller Features Summary

Direct access to all major DAW mixing, editing and automation parameters

Direct control of plug-in settings

Integral colour TFT display with dedicated control buttons

High resolution rotary encoder (D-pot) on every channel provides control of DAW pans, sends and I/O

routing, and for MCU compatible applications, Plug-ins and Instruments

High quality motorised faders to write/replay level moves in your DAW

Simple switching between console layer and DAW control layer

Full remote control implementation

Operation independent of platform or application

Communication with the DAW

The Duality console connects to a DAW via sixteen (eight in, eight out) MIDI ports on the rear panel of the

console. Duality emulates multiple HUI or MCU controllers depending on the control surface support required by

the connected DAW. Note that normally Duality’s MIDI port 1 connects the first set of eight channel assigned to

DAW control and the centre section Master controls; MIDI ports 2 to 6 connect further console channels in

blocks of eight up to a maximum of 6. This can be changed in the SSL/Misc/Setup menu (see below), as can

the number of Duality channels dedicated to DAW control (from 8 to 48) and the position of the first of these

channels. MIDI port 8 IN is used exclusively for MTC and MMC messages required by the console automation

system; port 7 is currently unused.

Setup Menu

Four items in the SSL/Misc/Setup menu, accessible via the centre section TFT, are concerned with DAW

interconnection. Note that changes to any of these settings will require a console reboot before they take effect.

To change a setting, use the left hand D-Pot to select the item, then press the D-Pot to enter adjustment mode.

Turn the D-Pot to the desired setting and press it a second time to save the setting to non-volatile memory.

First Physical DAW Channel – Select the console channel number that is controlling the first DAW track


S e c t i o n 3 – D A W C o n t r o l G u i d e