Connecting duality to your computer, Setting a fixed ip address – Solid State Logic Duality 82S6DUA20C User Manual

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Duality Operator’s Manual



Duality is the first analogue console to feature an IP address. This allows any standard personal computer (Mac

or PC) to connect to your console.

To do this you will need to establish a small local Network. It is recommended that you use a DHCP hub, also

known as a standard Ethernet router, which can dynamically allocate an IP address to your Duality console.

These hubs are commercially available from most computer shops and suppliers. We do not recommend

specific products due to variance in supply in different international territories.

Refer to the hub’s installation guide to ensure that it is configured for DHCP.

Then simply connect your personal computer and the Duality console to the hub via the console’s network port

and the usual network port on your personal computer. You will require 2x standard CAT-5 or Ethernet twisted

pair cables to do this.

To verify that an address has been assigned to your Duality console go to SSL>Misc>Net and you should see

the assigned address ( for example).

Setting a Fixed IP Address

The console IP address can be fixed using the diagnostic terminal port on the rear of the console. You will need

a PC or Mac running terminal emulator software. Connect the PC serial port to Serial 2 on the rear of the

console using a pin to pin 9 way ‘D’ type extension cable (male to female).

Set the terminal as follows:

Baud rate 19200

8 data bits

No parity

No start bit

1 stop bit

Flow control Xon/Xoff

Press the ‘Return’ key () and the terminal window should echo a ‘>’ if communication is established. To fix

the IP address type the following:


setip nnn nnn nnn nnn

Enter the IP address where ‘nnn nnn nnn nnn’ is the IP address, eg. ‘10
1 1 10

setmask nnn nnn nnn nnn

Enter the network mask eg. ‘255 255 255 0’. Note that this will depend

on your network and should match other devices local to the console.

setgate nnn nnn nnn nnn

Enter the gateway address eg. ‘10 1 1 1’


Finally, reboot the console and check the assigned IP address in the SSL/Misc/Net page.