External source selectors – Solid State Logic Duality 82S6DUA20C User Manual
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The Ø button precedes the MONO button and reverses the phase of the left monitor feed, providing a quick way
of checking for any phase anomalies in a stereo mix. If MONO is active, selecting the Ø button allows the
difference (L - R or the ‘S’ signal) to be monitored instead of the L + R sum.
The SOLO button turns the monitor cut buttons (see below) into monitor solo buttons. The SOLO CLEAR button
lights when any channel SOLO, S/Ch LSTN, AFL, or centre section AFL or MONITOR SOLO button is pressed.
Press SOLO CLEAR to cancel any Solo/AFL/PFL function.
If either MINI A or MINI B ‘LS SELECT’ buttons are selected, the left and right monitor busses are fed to the
corresponding stereo mini loudspeaker output. Mini level relative to the main monitors can be trimmed via the
main monitor pot by selecting MINI in the group of buttons to the right of the monitor pot. When a Mini speaker
output is selected, the 5-2 STEREO mix is automatically switched into the monitor circuit to deal with any 5.1
sources present.
The DIM button dims both main and mini loudspeaker outputs by a preset level. Set this level by selecting the
DIM button to the right of the monitor pot and turning the main monitor pot. The Dim circuit is automatically
activated when any of the following buttons are pressed: LISTEN, TB ALL, F/B A, F/B B, EXT T/B, Oscillator to
The CUT button cuts the monitor feeds to whichever set of monitors is selected. CUT is activated automatically by
the SLATE talkback function. CUT and DIM can also be activated externally via the GPIO/Talkback connector.
The six main monitor outputs can be muted individually with the L, C, R, SL, SR and LFE (sub) ‘MONITOR
MUTE/SOLO’ buttons. These become monitor solo buttons by selecting the SOLO button in the ‘MON MODE’
group (see above).
All the monitor outputs are available for connection to amplifiers via the centre section connector panel. The two
5.1 outputs (Main and Alt) feed two 25-way D-type connectors – ‘MON A’ and ‘MON B’; the two Mini outputs (Mini
A and Mini B) feed individual XLRs for left and right.
External Source Selectors
Two external monitor source selectors are provided. EXT A has four 5.1 inputs. These may be fed by any
source of six channels or less. The MIX selection provides an important fifth input to EXT A, which is used to
monitor the 5.1 Main Mix bus when mixing in 5.1 mode.
EXT B is a 2-channel selector that may receive up to four stereo sources. In either case, sources may be
summed together; this is particularly useful for generating complex foldback mixes or when stem mixing, as it
allows the recorded stems to be monitored together with the current mix.
To select an external monitor source, first press either the EXT A or EXT B button , choose a source from
those shown in the display, and then press the soft key under that source (or first press the key under SUM to
sum selected sources). Finally, route the external source(s) to the monitors by pressing EXT A or EXT B in the
‘MON SRC’ group of buttons. The LTR selection on EXT B provides monitoring for a surround encoder’s LtRt
output (see next page).
Inputs to the external source selectors are connected via D-connectors (four for External A, one for External B)
on the connector panel.
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Duality Operator’s Manual