Sony PEG-S300 User Manual

Page 6

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Handy Functions

Finding records .............................. 111

Using the Find option .............. 111

Using the Phone Lookup option

................................... 113

Entering the owner information ..... 115

In case you assigned the

password using the
security application ... 116

Locking your Sony handheld by

passwords ........................ 119

Protecting data ............................... 122

Assigning a password .............. 122

Changing and deleting passwords

................................... 124

Masking and hiding records .... 125

Viewing the private records ..... 126

Beaming between Palm OS PDA .. 128

Beaming information ............... 128

To beam a record, business card,

category of records .... 129

To receive beamed information

................................... 130

Tips on beaming information .. 131

Edit menus ..................................... 132

To use the Edit menu ............... 132

Choosing fonts ............................... 134

To change the font style .......... 134

Installing Add-on Applications in
Sony Handheld

Add-on applications you can install

......................................... 135

Installing applications from Memory

Stick media ...................... 136

Installing applications from a

computer .......................... 137

Deleting an add-on application ...... 139

Installing accompanied software to a

computer .......................... 140

Installing PictureGear Lite ...... 140

Installing TrueSync ................. 141

Installing AvantGo .................. 141

Exchanging and Updating Data
Using HotSync Operations

What you can do with HotSync ..... 142

Performing HotSync ...................... 143

When performing HotSync for the

first time .................... 143

Performing HotSync with the

cradle (local HotSync)

................................... 144

Changing the HotSync settings ..... 146

Customizing HotSync application

settings ............................. 147

Creating a user profile ................... 149

Creating a profile ..................... 149

Transferring a created profile .. 150

Synchronizing with external data

created on the computer
(File Link) ....................... 151

Customizing your Sony handheld

What you can do with Preferences

......................................... 152

Viewing Preference ................. 152

Assigning applications to buttons

................................... 153

Changing the full-screen pen

stroke activities ................ 155

Assigning applications to HotSync

buttons ............................. 157

Changing the digitizer preferences

......................................... 158

Formatting the time, date, and

numbers ........................... 159

To choose a country default .... 159

To choose the time, date, and

numbers formats ........ 160