SUPER MICRO Computer Dual Processor AS 1020C-3 User Manual
Page 82

AS1020C-3 User's Manual
Corrects memory errors so later reads are correct. Options are Dis-
abled and various times in nanoseconds and microseconds.
L2 Cache BG Scrub
Allows L2 cache RAM to be corrected when idle. Options are Disabled and
various times in nanoseconds and microseconds.
Data Cache BG Scrub
Allows L1 cache RAM to be corrected when idle. Options are Disabled and
various times in nanoseconds and microseconds.
IOMMU Option Menu
IOMMU is supported on Linux-based systems to convert 32-bit I/O addresses
to 64-bit. Options are AGP Present, Disabled, 32MB, 64MB, 128MB, 256MB,
512MB and 1GB.
Memory Timing Parameters
Allows the user to select which CPU Node's timing parameters (memory clock,
etc.) to display. Options are CPU Node 0 and CPU Node1.
SouthBridge Confi guration
Audio CODEC Interface
Use this setting to Enable or Disable the internal ACI.
MAC Interface
This setting is used to Enable or Disable the internal 802.3 MAC interface.
CPU Spread Spectrum
This setting is used to enable spread spectrum for the CPU. Options are Dis-
abled and Center Spread.
SATA Spread Spectrum
This setting is used to enable spread spectrum for the SATA. Options are Dis-
abled and Down Spread.