Removing the smart scheduler outlook add-in – Smart Technologies Smart Bridgit 4.5 User Manual

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Removing the SMART Scheduler Outlook add-in


  I M P O R T A N T

Do not remove files for other SMART software products you want to continue to use. If you are

unsure, contact SMART Technical Support for more information.

Before you can perform the default removal procedure, you must obtain the product code for your

version of SMART Scheduler Outlook add-in. You can find your product code in the following table.

SMART Scheduler Outlook add-in product codes

Software version

Product code


{916243FB-5A56-4CF1-B75B-6F4236977C12} (Current)



  N O T E

Include the braces when entering a product code value.


To remove the add-in from the uninstaller

1. Open Windows Control Panel's Install or Remove Programs tool.

2. Remove the installed SMART Scheduler Outlook add-in software.


To remove the add-in from a command line

1. Open a Command Prompt window, then type cmd in the Open box, and then click OK.

The cmd.exe dialog box appears.

2. Type the following command (including quotation marks), and then press ENTER:

msiexec.exe /x"path to .msi\SMARTSchedulerOutlookAddinSetup.msi" /q


Type the following command, and then press ENTER:

msiexec.exe /x{ProductCode}


C H A P T E R 6

Using SMART Scheduler