Customizing the smart bridgit server's web page – Smart Technologies Smart Bridgit 4.5 User Manual
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To control SMART Bridgit conferencing software services
1. Open the Windows Services administration console (Control Panel > Administrative Tools
> Services).
2. Double-click SMART Bridgit Master Service.
The SMART Bridgit Master Service Properties dialog box appears.
3. Click Start, Stop, Pause, Restart or Resume in the General tab to control the service.
4. Click OK.
5. Double-click SMART Bridgit Meeting Service.
The SMART Bridgit Meeting Service Properties dialog box appears.
6. Click the General tab.
7. Click Start, Stop, Pause, Restart or Resume to control the service.
8. Click OK.
Customizing the SMART Bridgit server's web
After you configure the SMART Bridgit Servers, users can download the SMART Bridgit client by
visiting the server's address in an internet browser.
To customize the SMART Bridgit server's web page
1. Create a web page file called CustomPage.htm.
2. Customize the web page.
It should contain links to download the SMART Bridgit client for both Windows operating
systems and Mac OS X operating system software. You can also include the SMART
Scheduler Outlook add-in installer.
The paths for these files are:
Mac OS X
SMART Scheduler Outlook
where yourbridgitserverurl is the URL of your SMART Bridgit server.
C H A P T E R 5
Administering the server software