Seiko Group TM-L60 User Manual

Page 63

background image

The 12 characters, “012345678901” are print data.
A check-digital is added by the printer because 12 characters are sent, and

“012345678901” is printed.

“CHR$ (0)” must always be used as the last command (representing end of


Using the drawer kick-out

350 PRINT #l, CHR$(27); “P”; CHR$(0); CHR$( 10); CHR$( 100);

The “p” generates a specified pulse; Refer to ESC p

m n1 n2.

In line 350, the module terminal of the drawer kick-out outputs a 20 ms pulse

followed by a 200 ms wait.

How to read the status of the drawer kick-out

360 PRINT #l, CHR$(27); “u”; CHR$(0);

370 A$ = INPUT!$(l, #l)

380 IF A$ = CHR$(0) THEN PRINT “DRW: L”
380 IF A$ = CHR$( 1) THEN PRINT “DRW: H”

The “u” command in line 360 transmits the status of the drawer kick-out to

printer. Refer to ESC u


370 receives the data from the printer through RS-232C.
380 and 390 display the status of the drawer kick-out on the CRT.

Close RS-232C

400 CLOSE #l

RS-232C must be closed using this command.