Intel IM-Q35 Series User Manual

Page 51

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IM-Q35 Mainboard

Intel AMT Configuration

Intel AMT Support

This setting allows you to enable/disable the Intel Active Management
Technology(AMT) support.

Remote Access Configuration

Remote Access

This setting allows you to enable/disable remote access.

Serial port number

This setting specifies the serial port for console redirection.

Serial Port Mode

This setting allows you to select the serial port mode.

Flow Control

This item specivies how the transfer via the port is controlled. The setting
must be the same on both the terminal and the server.


The port is operated without transfer control.


The port transfer control is carried out by software.


The port transfer control is carried out by hardware.
This mode must be supported by the cable.

Redirection After BIOS POST

This item specifies whether or not the console redirection is run after the
Power-On Self Test (POST).

[ Al ways]

Redirection is always active. (Some operating systems
may not work if this item is set to Always.)

[Boot Loader]

Redirection is only active during POST.


Redirection is deactivated.

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