What's new for v5r1, What’s new for v5r1 – IBM iSeries User Manual
Page 7

Using central site distribution to install multiple iSeries
It is sometimes desirable to duplicate some or all of a system’s programs, including the operating system,
onto another system. To do this with a minimum of effort and maximum benefits you should do some
planning and consider the options available for performing a licensed program distribution. This set of
pages is designed to help you with these planning decisions. Then these pages will show you a step by
step procedure for implementing the duplication. The whole process includes:
v Central site distribution terms and concepts
This gives you an idea of the terms that will be used and the basic requirements for the central site
process to continue successfully, such as Release-level interoperability and the system fix (PTF) level.
You will also be introduced to some basic options such as the choices for distribution media.
v Planning licensed program distribution
This section takes you through decisions that affect the content of the licensed program distribution. You
will consider language files, distributing license information, licensed program distribution media,
Licensed Internal Code, OS/400 licensed program, manuals for target site system, and user profiles and
device configuration.
v Installing applications and restoring objects using a user-defined installation program
This section shows you how to use a program to automate some of the central site process. The
program can restore user profiles, configurations, and install applications.
v Preparing and installing distribution media
This section takes you through the final steps to install the central site system code on the target site
system. First you will get instruction on the things to do before you create a distribution or premastering
media. Then the instructions will cover installing the distribution media at the target site system,
including the use of an alternative installation device. Finally there will be a list of optional tasks for
installing distribution media.
v Central site distribution cover sheet
This cover sheet gives the people at the target site any special information they need. It is sent along
with the distribution media.
v Distribution media stacking order
This page contains a link to a 24 page PDF file that you can print out. The table gives information on
what files are needed for each application.
What’s new for V5R1
There have been a few changes to this information for V5R1.
View and print all associated documents
You can now access all the information about creating distribution media from one central location at Print
this topic.
Updated list of programs that do not support secondary languages
Because these programs do not support secondary languages, you do not need to save these programs at
the central site system when you want to distribute secondary languages to target site systems.
Updated the stacking order
You can use the stacking order to verify that all of the files you saved from the central site system were
correctly transferred to your distribution media.
How to see what’s new or changed:
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