IBM iSeries User Manual

Page 11

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GO LICPGM Menu Option 40

(Create a distribution media)

Create the premastering tape

(GO LICPGM Menu Option 40)

Distribution Tape

Premastering Tape

Install Licensed Internal Code and licenced programs

Use the qlpGenCdPermasteringInfo API to create

distribution set map and to return information about the

saved files

Target Site System

Save the distribution set map to media

Use the qlpHandleCdState API to disable the job for


Work with your CD-ROM mastering service to plan the

content of your CD-ROM volumes

Send the tape and the plan to your mastering service

Get back the CD-ROM prototype

Verify the CD-ROM prototype and authorize a production

run for your distribution copies

Distribute the production run copies to target sites

Install Licensed Internal Code and licenced programs

Target Site System

Method 1 - Create the IBM licensed program distribution media at the central site system (from media -
tape or DVD). Install the IBM-supplied licensed program distribution media at the central site system. Then
select option 40 (Create a distribution media) on the GO LICPGM (Work with Licensed Programs) menu to
create a distribution media. This media is then distributed to target site systems.

Method 2 - Create tapes for premastering CD-ROM (from CD-ROM). Install the IBM-supplied licensed
program distribution media at the central site system. Then select option 40 (Create a distribution media)
on the GO LICPGM menu to create a tape. This tape is used as input for the CD-ROM premastering


The distribution media that the central site distributes to a target site includes:
v The IBM Licensed Internal Code
v The OS/400 Licensed Program
v The installation profile
v The user-defined installation program

Using central site distribution to install multiple iSeries servers