Z/os – IBM z/OS User Manual
Page 56
While zSeries servers are supported by a number of dif-
ferent operating systems, their most advanced features
are powered by z/OS. z/OS is the foundation for the future
of zSeries, an integral part of the z/Architecture designed
and developed to quickly respond to the demanding qual-
ity of service requirements for on demand businesses.
z/OS is the fl agship mainframe operating system based
on the 64-bit z/Architecture. It is designed to deliver the
highest qualities of service for enterprise transactions
and data, and extends these qualities to new applications
using the latest software technologies. It provides a highly
secure, scalable, high technology-performance base
on which to deploy Internet and Java-enabled applica-
tions, providing a comprehensive and diverse application
execution environment. z/OS takes advantage of the latest
software technologies: new object-oriented programming
models that permit the rapid design, development and
deployment of applications essential to on demand busi-
nesses. It helps protect your investment in your present
mainframe applications by providing options for modern-
izing existing applications and integrating them with new
on demand applications, all within a single image of z/OS.
It provides a solid base for new applications, supporting
new technologies such as Enterprise JavaBeans
, XML,
HTML, and Unicode, Parallel Sysplex clustering, highly
available TCP/IP networking and dynamic workload and
resource balancing.
Integrated system services
z/OS helps make critical data and processing functions
accessible to end users regardless of their location in the
heterogeneous on demand world. The z/OS base includes
z/OS Communications Server, which enables world class
TCP/IP and SNA networking support, including mainframe
dependability, performance, and scalability; highly secure
connectivity; support for multiple protocols; and effi cient
use of networking assets.
This integrated set of system services in z/OS can help a
customer to focus on extracting the maximum business
value from the z/OS installation. The system manages the
workload, program libraries and I/O devices. Complexities
are designed to be minimized and problem determina-
tion is facilitated with the sophisticated recovery, reporting
and debug facilities of z/OS. The z/OS operating system
combines many features that change the playing fi eld of IT
infrastructure design:
• Support for zSeries Application Assist Processors
(zAAP), an attractively priced special processing unit
that provides an economical z/OS Java language-based
execution environment
• Intelligent Resource Director expands the capabilities of
z/OS Workload Manager to react to changing conditions
and prioritize critical business workloads.
• Support for 64-bit real memory and 64-bit virtual storage.
• A new installation and confi guration infrastructure that
simplifi es the installation and confi guration of z/OS and
related products.