IBM z/OS User Manual
Page 27
This support gives the user the fl exibility to optimize and
tune each HiperSockets to the predominant traffi c profi le,
for example to distinguish between “high bandwidth”
workloads such as FTP versus lower bandwidth interactive
The HiperSockets function provides many possibilities for
improved integration between workloads in different LPARs,
bound only by the combinations of operating systems and
their respective applications. HiperSockets is intended to
provide the fastest zSeries connection between e-business
and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions sharing
information while running on the same server. WebSphere
http and Web Application Servers or Apache http servers
can be running in a Linux image (LPAR or z/VM guest) and
will be able to use HiperSockets for very fast TCP/IP traffi c
transfer to a DB2 database server running in a z/OS LPAR.
System performance is optimized because this allows you
to keep your Web and transaction application environ-
ments in close proximity to your data and helps eliminate
any exposure to network related outages, thus improving
The z/OS HiperSockets Accelerator function can improve
performance and cost effi ciencies when attaching a high
number of TCP/IP images via HiperSockets to a “front end”
z/OS system for shared access to a set of OSA-Express
HiperSockets VLAN support in a Linux environment: Virtual
Local Area Networks (VLANs), IEEE standard 802.1q, is
now being offered for HiperSockets in a Linux for zSeries
environment. VLANs can help reduce overhead by allow-
ing networks to be organized for optimum traffi c fl ow; the
network is organized by traffi c patterns rather than physi-
cal location. This enhancement permits traffi c to fl ow on a
VLAN connection between applications over HiperSockets
and between applications on HiperSockets connecting to
an OSA-Express Gigabit Ethernet, 1000BASE-T Ethernet,
or Fast Ethernet feature.
HiperSockets broadcast support for IPv4 packets – Linux,
z/OS, z/VM: Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) broadcast
packets are now supported over HiperSockets internal
LANs. TCP/IP applications that support IPv4 broadcast,
such as z/OS OMPROUTE when running Routing Information
Protocol Version 1 (RIPv1), can send and receive broadcast
packets over HiperSockets interfaces. This support is exclu-
sive to z990. Broadcast for IPv4 packets is supported by
Linux for zSeries. Support is planned to be available in z/OS
V1.5. Support is also offered in z/VM V4.4 and later.
HiperSockets Network Concentrator
HiperSockets Network Concentrator support, exclusive to
z890 and z990 can simplify network addressing between
HiperSockets and OSA-Express. You can now integrate
HiperSockets-connected operating systems into external
networks, without requiring intervening network routing
overhead, thus helping to increase performance and sim-
plify confi guration. With HiperSockets Network Concentra-
tor support, you can confi gure a special purpose Linux
operating system instance, which can transparently bridge
traffi c between a HiperSockets internal Local Area Network
(LAN) and an external OSA-Express network attachment,
similar to a real Layer 2 switch which bridges between dif-
ferent network segments. This support can make the inter-
nal HiperSockets network address connection appear as if it
were directly connected to the external network.