Creating a login profile – IBM Partner Pavilion Remote Supervisor Adapter User Manual
Page 25

similar to the one in the following illustration opens.
5. In the Date field, type the numbers of the current month, day, and year in the
matching entry fields.
6. In the Time field, type the numbers corresponding to the current hour, minutes,
and seconds in the appropriate entry fields. The hour (hh) must be a number
from 00 to 23 as represented on a 24-hour clock. The minutes (mm) and
seconds (ss) must be numbers from 00 to 59.
7. In the GMT offset field, type the number that specifies the offset in hours from
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), corresponding to the time zone where this server
is located.
8. Click the Automatically adjust for daylight saving changes check box to
specify whether the Remote Supervisor Adapter clock will automatically adjust
when the local time changes between standard time and daylight saving time.
9. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.
Creating a login profile
Use the Login Profiles table to view, configure, or change individual login profiles.
Use the links in the Login ID column to configure individual login profiles. You can
define up to 12 unique profiles. Each link in the Login ID column is labeled with the
configured login ID for that particular profile. If you have not configured a profile, the
name of the link by default will be ~ not used ~.
Complete the following steps to configure a login profile:
1. Log in to the Remote Supervisor Adapter where you want to create a login
profile. For more information, see Chapter 2, “Opening and using the ASM
Web interface” on page 3.
2. For an xSeries 330 server: If you want to create a login profile on the ASM
processor, log in to the ASM processor. For more information, see “Logging in
to the ASM processor in an xSeries 330 server” on page 6.
3. In the navigation pane, click Login Profiles. The Login Profiles page displays
the login ID and the login access level. A window similar to the one in the
Chapter 3. Configuring your Remote Supervisor Adapter or ASM processor