Viii ix – Microsoft FABLE THE LOST CHAPTERS X11-35541 User Manual
Page 6

Gold Notification
The Gold notification appears momentarily
to indicate how much gold you have as well as
how much you just gained or lost.
Teleport Icon/Guild Seal
Select the Teleport icon by pressing G. Continue pressing
and holding G until the Guild Seal completely charges
before you teleport to the Guild or an active Cullis Gate.
In-Game Menu
The In-Game menu appears when you press Esc or Enter.
Use the left mouse button to select menu items. Use the
right mouse button to go to a previous screen in the menu.
Press Esc or Enter again to exit the menu completely. If you
select Map from the In-Game menu, the In-Game map appears
with a legend beneath it. Use the mouse pointer to hover over
each map symbol and see a description for each.
Mini Map
The Mini Map is located in the upper-right corner of your view. To
determine your location, press M to zoom in on the map.
Awareness Eye
Attached to the Mini Map, the Awareness Eye indicates how
many individuals are aware of you. A red Awareness Eye
reveals to you that enemies are present.
Also attached to the Mini Map, the Clock is split in half
between night and day to mark the passing of time. This
allows you to know the approximate time of day or night
depending on where the arrow is pointing.
Press Esc or Enter to display the In-Game menu, then click
Inventory to display the Inventory menu. Left-click your
preferred category (Items, Weapons, or Clothing). Press Esc or
Enter again to exit the Inventory. Alternatively, you can quickly
display your Items, Weapons, or Clothing Inventories by pressing
F4, F5, or F7.
Unsheathe/Sheathe Melee Weapon
Press Q to unsheathe or sheathe your current melee
weapon. To wield a different weapon, select it from
Equipment/Weapons in your Inventory.
Unsheathe/Sheathe Ranged Weapon
When you press E, you wield or sheathe the bow. To wield a
different type of bow, select it from Equipment/Weapons in
your Inventory.
Use the middle mouse button (you can reassign this from the
Options menu) to block an opponent’s attack. Also, while holding
down the middle mouse button, use the direction (W, A, S, and
D) keys to roll and block at the same time.
Attack Icon
Use the left mouse button to attack an enemy, whether
with hand-to-hand combat or a weapon. When using the
bow, click the left mouse button to shoot an arrow. The longer
you hold down the button, the more powerful the force of the
arrow, although accuracy might decrease. While charging your
shot, click the right mouse button to display and zoom the
crosshair. Rotate the middle mouse button to increase or
decrease the zoom.
Flourish Icon
The Flourish icon appears when you successfully land
several blows without reply on an enemy. When it appears,
click the right mouse button to unleash a vicious, unblockable
attack on the enemy. Direct the Flourish with the direction keys
(W, A, S, and D). String together multiple Flourish attacks by
continuing to make contact without missing.
Speech Icon
The Speech icon indicates there is someone to interact with
by pressing Tab. A green highlight indicates someone with
information for you. Purple indicates neutral characters. Red
highlighting indicates people hostile toward you.