Nhancing abilities and weapons, Augmenting weapons, Customizing tattoos – Microsoft FABLE THE LOST CHAPTERS X11-35541 User Manual

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nhancing Abilities

and Weapons

As mentioned, when you complete Quests and other

adventures in Albion, you accumulate valuable

Experience. This does not go unrecognized by the Guild, and, for

that reason, we created the Experience Spending Platform.

At the Experience Spending Platform, opposite the Guild Teleport

Pad in the Map Room, you can enhance your present abilities or

even gain new ones. To use the Experience Spending Platform,

first walk onto it. Select the ability to enhance or the new ability

to add. As you scroll over an item, view the points required for it,

as well as details about what the ability provides for you.

Each additional ability level requires an ever increasing amount

of Experience points. You can use General Experience points on

anything, but Experience in Strength, Skill, or Will can only be

spent on the associated ability and must be used up first, before

using General Experience. After you make a selection, click Buy.

When you are done levelling up, exit the menu.

Augmenting Weapons

Not only are there a number of weapons with varying capabilities

available to a Hero, but some weapons are augmentable. An

augmentable weapon has additional slots next to it when you

select it from Equipment/Weapons in your Inventory.

For augmentations, you need augmentation jewels. You can find

these jewels in a number of places: from blacksmiths, Traders, the

Armoury, or in parts of Albion where jewels have been hidden or

forgotten. To perform an augmentation, select the weapon, then

click Augment. Select the augmentation you want from the list,

and the newly-augmented weapon is ready for use. After you

augment a weapon, you cannot remove the augmentation, so

choose wisely.

Customizing Tattoos

Do you want to create unique tattoos that reflect your

individuality? Do you think you can do better than the best

tattoo artists in Albion? Here’s how to do it.

In the Tattoos folder (found under My Documents\My

Games\Fable) you’ll see a folder named after your user profile.

Inside you’ll find a bitmap (.bmp) file for each of the tattoo types

you can customize. These include tattoos for arms, back, chest,

face, and legs.

Open the tattoo type you want to customize in an image-editing

program, such as Microsoft


Paint. After editing the image, save

the result. The next time you pay a visit to a Tattooist in the

game, your customized tattoo will be available for application in

the same way as those found on Tattoo Cards.

If you ever need to revert to one of the original tattoo images,

you will find them in your Fable installation folder (Microsoft

Games\Fable - The Lost Chapters\Data\Tattoos). Copy the

original bitmap file over the custom tattoo you want to replace.

Be sure to delete –base from the filename.