A hero’s appearance, Choosing tattoos, Xxvi xxvii – Microsoft FABLE THE LOST CHAPTERS X11-35541 User Manual
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A Hero’s Appearance
Another useful aspect of a Hero’s reputation is his appearance,
including body decorations one can purchase, such as tattoos and
haircuts, and a wardrobe with various suits of clothes. Whatever
the look you are after, the people of Albion will respond in kind.
Many Traders provide tattoos just as they do consumables and
other items. You can buy or customize tattoos to show your
uniqueness. Or perhaps you are thinking of getting married, and
you have decided you need a change of hairstyle. If this is the
case, visit the Barber of Bowerstone and request one. Do be
careful though, as her razors are always quite sharp.
You also have a standard issue Hero’s wardrobe available in your
Inventory which allows you to change the clothes you’re wearing
at any time. Sometimes, this may even provide a strategic
advantage. For example, you might need to sneak into a Bandit’s
Camp for some reason, and having a quick-change Bandit’s suit on
hand is just right for such an occasion. This allows you to slip into
something more comfortable for mingling with the Bandits, just
as if you were one of their own.
Choosing Tattoos
You can enhance your appearance—and your reputation—by
purchasing tattoos to adorn parts of your body. In your travels,
you will encounter various tattoo vendors: wandering Traders or
the Tattooist himself. Each has a stock of tattoos you can buy.
When you encounter a tattoo vendor, he’ll ask if you would like to
purchase a tattoo.
To purchase a tattoo:
1. Click Yes. This displays the Tattooist menu. It shows a list
of the names, prices, designs, and characteristics of the
vendor’s tattoos.
2. Click
Buy x6. Note that the number will vary depending on the
number of tattoos the vendor has in stock.
3. Select a tattoo from the vendor’s list. When you select a tattoo,
the menu shows the part of the body (your arms, back, chest,
face, or legs) for which the tattoo is designed.
4. Click Buy to purchase the selected tattoo. This applies the tattoo
and deducts your payment. All who see you will know from your
tattoos that you’ve made your way in the world and are worthy
of respect.