He way of a hero, For good, or for evil, Gaining experience – Microsoft FABLE THE LOST CHAPTERS X11-35541 User Manual

Page 12: Accepting quests

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For Good, or for Evil?

Your actions as a Hero, good or evil, or somewhere in the middle,

determine your alignment, and in turn, your physical appearance.

Generally speaking, when you kill Guards, Traders, or villagers,

you might begin to grow horns, or even attract insects. If you

choose to save Traders and villagers from the evil beasts that

roam the woods, you may have lighter-colored eyes and a

butterfly-friendly demeanour. Good or Evil alignment also

affects the way the people of Albion respond to you.

Gaining Experience

As you go about a Quest, you will gain General Experience, as well

as specific Experience in Strength, Skill, and Will, depending on

the means used to succeed. The approach used to defeat enemies

has a direct bearing on this.

Using melee weapons gains you Experience in Strength. Using

the bow gains you Experience in Skill, and using magic gives you

Experience in the Will. Whichever ability you use to defeat

enemies, when vanquished they leave glowing Experience Orbs.

Walk through them or use your powers of the Will (press


Shift to draw them to you), and thereby gain General Experience.

When you gain Experience, notifications show you how much and

what kind of Experience you have gained. Now you can use this

Experience to enhance your abilities at the Experience Spending

Platform at the Guild.

he Way of a Hero

Only after graduating from the Guild may you

call yourself a Hero, but this is just the first step.

Becoming a Hero of greatness requires you to

increase both your Renown and your Experience.

To this end, young Heroes must accept increasingly

challenging quests that the citizenry of Albion drop

off at the Guild. These are tasks deemed impossible

for ordinary citizens, and many are thought not

possible even for the mightiest of Heroes. Use the

Quest Card’s description to decide whether or not

a particular Quest suits you according to your

Experience and abilities. As we’ve stated before, it

takes time to become a great Hero, and the path to

greatness is yours for the choosing.

Accepting Quests

To help you decide between the various Quest Cards

available to you, it is important to keep in mind that

gold Quest Cards are those you must complete before

progressing; silver Quest Cards are optional; bronze

Quest Cards appear at key points in the game. To

accept a Quest, click Accept to interact with the map

in the Guild Map Room, click the quest you want, then

click Take Quest.

As stated, the Guild makes no morality judgments

with respect to good or evil Quests, and you are free

to pursue your own path. You can kill and steal, or be

noble and help the villagers, defeating villains and

monsters as needed.