Tutorial, Software development, Creating source code – Motorola CML12S-DP256 User Manual

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At minimum, you should install the AxIDE program. This provides the flash programming
utility and communication with the board via the COM port and the supplied serial cable. This
program includes a simple terminal for interfacing with other programs running on the
CML12Sxxx and information from your own programs that send output to the serial port.

Also on the disk are free assemblers AS12 and MCU-EZ, the open source GNU C/C++
compiler tools for HC11/12, example source code, and other useful software. The introductory
tutorial in this manual uses the free AS12 assembler integrated into the AxIDE program. This
is a simple assembler with limited capability. For a more powerful assembly tool, install the
Motorola MCUez program from the CD. This will allow you to use PAGED program memory in
your application.

Software Development

Software development on the CML12Sxxx can be performed using either the MON12 monitor
installed in internal FLASH of the MCU, a third party debugger (Debug12, NoICE,
CodeWarrior, etc.) or a Background Debug Module (BDM) connected to the BDM PORT
connector. Any of these tools can be used to assist in creating and debugging your program
stored in RAM (see Memory Map).

After satisfactory operation running under a debugger, your program can be written to Internal
Flash Memory using the included programming utilities. The Mon12 firmware in the MCU
flash provides the interrupt vectors in Ram memory and an Autostart feature to launch your
application. Your program may then run automatically whenever the board is powered on or
RESET is applied.


This section was written to help you get started developing software with the CML12SXXX
board. Be sure to read the rest of this manual as well as the documentation on the disk if you
need further information.

The following sections take you through the complete development cycle of a simple "hello
world" program, which sends the string "Hello World" to the serial port.

Creating Source Code

You can write source code for the CML12SXXX board using any language that compiles to
Motorola 68HC12 instructions. Included on the software disk is a free Assembler, AS12.

You can write your source code using any ASCII text editor. You can use the free EDIT,
WordPad, or Notepad programs that come with your computer. Note that the source file must
be simple ASCII text without any document formatting added. Once your source code is
written and saved to a file, you can assemble or compile it to a Motorola S-Record (hex)
format. This type of output file usually has a .MOT, .HEX or .S19 file extension and is in a
format that can be read by the programming utilities and programmed into the CML12SXXX