Safety information – Multiquip Portable Generator (Honda GX160 Gasoline Engine) GAC2.2H User Manual
Page 8

page 8 — gac2.2H 60 Hz geNeRaTOR• OpeRaTiON aNd paRTs maNual — Rev. #1 (03/31/10)
safety infOrMatiOn
If the battery liquid (dilute sulfuric acid) comes into
contact with
clothing or skin, rinse skin or clothing
immediately with plenty of water.
If the battery liquid (dilute sulfuric acid) comes into
contact with
eyes, rinse eyes immediately with plenty
of water and contact the nearest doctor or hospital to
seek medical attention.
alWaYs disconnect the NegaTive battery terminal
before performing service on the generator.
alWaYs keep battery cables in good working condition.
Repair or replace all worn cables.
NeveR allow any person or animal to stand underneath
the equipment while lifting.
Before lifting, make sure that the equipment parts (lifting
bail if equipped) are not damaged and screws are not
loose or missing.
Always make sure crane or lifi tng device has been
properly secured to the lifting bail (hook) of the
alWaYs shutdown engine before transporting.
NeveR lift the equipment while the engine is running.
Tighten fuel tank cap securely and close fuel cock to
prevent fuel from spilling.
Use adequate lifting cable (wire or rope) of suffi cient
Use one point suspension hook and lift straight
dO NOT lift machine to unnecessary heights.
alWaYs tie down equipment during transport by
securing the equipment with rope.
eNviRONmeNTal saFeTY
Dispose of hazardous waste properly.
Examples of potentially hazardous waste
are used motor oil, fuel and fuel fi lters.
dO NOT use food or plastic containers to
dispose of hazardous waste.
dO NOT pour waste, oil or fuel directly onto the ground,
down a drain or into any water source.