Maxtor 10K V User Manual

Page 238

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Maxtor Atlas 10K V

BLOCK – In UNIX workstation
environments, the smallest contiguous area that
can be allocated for the storage of data. UNIX
blocks are generally 8 Kbytes (16 sectors) in size.
In DOS environments, the block is referred to
as a cluster. (Note: This usage of the term block
at the operating system level is different from its
meaning in relation to the physical
configuration of the hard drive. See




BPI – Bits Per Inch. A measure of how densely
information is packed on a storage medium.
(See also



BUFFER – An area of RAM reserved for
temporary storage of data that is waiting to be
sent to a device that is not yet ready to receive
it. The data is usually on its way to or from the
hard disk drive or some other peripheral device.

BUS – The part of a chip, circuit board, or
interface designed to send and receive data.

BYTE – The basic unit of computer memory,
large enough to hold one character of
alphanumeric data. Comprised of eight bits.
(See also




CACHE – Specialized High-speed RAM used
to optimize data transfers between system
elements with different performance
characteristics, e.g., disk to main memory or
main memory to CPU.

CAPACITY – The amount of information that
can be stored on a hard drive. Also known as
storage capacity. (See also

formatted capacity


CLEAN ROOM – An environmentally
controlled dust-free assembly or repair facility
in which hard disk drives are assembled or can
be opened for internal servicing.

CMOS – Acronym for complementary metal
oxide semiconductor. A low-power, low-heat,
high-density semiconductor.

COMMAND QUEUE – The queue used to
store I/O processes.

CONNECT – The initiator function that
selects a target to establish a nexus and to start
an I/O process. The connection that results is
an initial connection.

CONNECTION – An initial connection or
reconnection that can occur only between one
initiator and one target.

condition generated by a CHECK

which execution of all tagged I/O processes (for
the associated I_T_X nexus) are suspended until
the condition is cleared. A target preserves an
I_T_X nexus until it is cleared by a hard or soft
reset, an abort message or another command for
that I_T_X nexus. While the contingent
allegiance condition exists, the target maintains
sense data for the initiator.

CLUSTER – In DOS environments, the
smallest contiguous area that can be allocated
for the storage of data. DOS clusters are usually
2 Kbytes (4 sectors) in size.

CONTROLLER – The chip or circuit that
translates computer data and commands into a
form suitable for use by the hard drive. Also
known as disk controller.

containing the control electronics for one or
more hard disks. Usually installed in a slot in the

CPU – Central Processing Unit. The
microprocessor chip that performs the bulk of
data processing in a computer.

CRC – Cyclic Redundancy Check. An error
detection procedure that identifies incomplete
or faulty data in each sector.

CYLINDER – When disks are placed directly
above one another along the shaft, the circular,
vertical “slice” consisting of all the tracks
located in a particular position.