Maxtor External Storage 1394 User Manual
The easy way to add storage, 80gb 40gb

1 3 9 4 E x t e r n a l S t o r a g e
Maxtor 1394 External Storage
is the fast, easy way to add storage to
your PC or Mac.With data transfer rates up to 30 times faster than USB
and the highest capacity available, the 1394 External Storage solution is
perfect for today’s storage-hungry digital entertainment equipment. Just
plug it in and go—it’s ready to use right out of the box for PC users, and
users are just three simple clicks away. Compatible with 1394, i.LINK
and FireWire
and powered by Maxtor’s award-
winning hard drive, it offers dependable storage/back-
up for all your important documents and precious
memories. Regardless of which capacity you select,
every Maxtor External Storage device is backed by
unparalleled support.
Designed for fast,
easy storage upgrades
PC and Mac Compatible
Easy installation
1394, i.LINK and
FireWire compatible
ultra-sleek design
400 Mb/sec data
transfer rate
Powered by Maxtor’s
hard drive
The Easy Way
to Add Storage
E x t e r n a l S t o r a g e