Michelin X970 User Manual
Page 93

13.4.1 FAQ and Updates
• To access our FQA section, consult the ViaMichelin navigation web site, in the “Support” section.
> Support > X-970
13.4.2 User Manual
> Products > Specifications > Download product manual
13.4.3 Restore SD
• Click “Restore SD” to start the procedure to completely regenerate the SD card in your ViaMichelin Navigation X- 970
Specify where you want to copy the files to by ticking the “Drive”, the “available size” tells you the storage capacity
of the drive and the “Country (size)” gives the map that will be regenerated.
• Click “OK” to start the procedure to restore the SD card or click “Cancel” to exit this application.
You can see the progress of the restore procedure on the task bar. Regenerating an SD card depends on the map set
to be regenerated, taking into account the transfer speed of data managed by the Microsoft ActiveSync® software.
For example, it takes about 90 minutes to regenerate a 2 GB SD card with the map of the USA.
When the SD card has finished regenerating you should perform either a full device reset (hard reset) or Restore
PND procedure (presented in the next paragraph) so that the regenerated SD card data is taken into account.
The Restore SD function does not copy the “MyViaMichelin” folder and its content to the SD card. If you want
to save your personal POIs, addresses and routes you must “
Export” your folders from the “My ViaMichelin”
option of the “Content Manager”
(for more information, see paragraph 13.1.8.)
To access the x-970 user manual, consult the ViaMichelin navigation web site, in the “Support” section.
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