Michelin X970 User Manual

Page 46

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7.2.1 Distance Remaining

This is the distance remaining to the arrival point, given in kilometers or miles depending on the distance unit

7.2.2 Time Remaining

This is the time remaining until arrival. This time is assessed on the basis of the distance remaining and the average
speeds set in your ViaMichelin Navigation X-970, excluding any stops or breaks (strongly recommended for safety

7.2.3 Arrival Time

This is the time of arrival calculated on the basis of the journey distance and time assessed by the system, excluding
any stops or breaks (strongly recommended for safety reasons).

7.2.4 Time

This is the local time based on the time entered when the program was installed in your ViaMichelin Navigation

7.2.5 Speed

This is the speed computed by the GPS between 2 position calculations, expressed in kph or mph depending on
the distance units selected.

7.2.6 Direction

This is the current direction of travel based on the 16-point compass dial.

7.3 Schematic Screen

On the left, from top to bottom:
• The indicator showing the distance remaining to the next change of direction.
• The next route.
• Three fields that can be set up (For more information, read the comments in paragraph 7.2.).

On the right-hand side:
• the map of the next change of direction with a dotted line that progressively disappears according to distance to

the change of direction and vehicle position.

On the bar at the bottom of the screen:
On the left

the number of satellites used by the GPS for determining the position.

In the middle the name of the street you are on.