Michelin X970 User Manual
Page 87

You can then log off the Internet.
Double-click the “poi” file to be added: the POI file is then saved directly onto your PND and your PC. You can
see the file in the “Thematic POI” section of the “POI Manager”.
13.2.4 How to add a ViaMichelin “*.xvm” file
“xvm” files are generated by the ViaMichelin web site to let you easily add the addresses or routes you want to
your PND.
Log on to the ViaMichelin web site:
Perform your search.
Click on the “Send this address: to my GPS” link:
In the “Send to my ViaMichelin GPS” window, give your export a name; then click “Send”. Directly from the ViaMichelin web site
Click “Open”.
The address is then directly saved in the “My Favorites” / “Addresses” folder (or the “Routes” folder if you are
saving a route). From a saved file
When downloading the file, click “Save” and save the file from the ViaMichelin web site to your PC’s desktop or
to another directory on your PC’s hard disk - out of the ViaMichelin tree structure.
You can now log off the ViaMichelin web site.
Double-click the “xvm” file to be added: The address is then directly saved in the “My Favorites” / “Addresses”
folder (or the “Routes” folder if you are saving a route).
When you have selected all the files you want, click “Add to Selection”. The selected files are then shown in the
“File summary” table.