MACKIE Digital Mixers User Manual
Page 21

User’s Guide
Input Gain Sliders
The Input Gain sliders range from off, to 0 dB in
0.5 dB steps and are pre-effect, controlling the
amount of signal that is being sent into Time Pak.
The Input Gain Sliders DO NOT correspond to the
Input Meters, because they come after the meters in
the signal chain. The Input Meters are metering the
input channel/channels that have been routed from
the D8B. The effect output is affected by a
combination of the Input Gain sliders and the Level
slider in the Controls block.
The Attack display is calibrated in milliseconds and globally
modifies the overall speed of the nodes. Attack is especially
noticeable when you are manually dragging the nodes around
the screen.
The Tempo box displays the current BPM (Beats Per
Minute) and can be adjusted by clicking and
dragging the mouse pointer over the window to
increase or decrease the overall tempo. The range is
60 to 240 beats per minute.
The numeric display is also linked to the
flashing red Acuma logo, located at the
bottom right-hand corner of the GUI.
This is the manual Tap Tempo control.
You can insert the exact BPM of your
program, or manually input the beat
using your mouse pointer to tap the
rhythm on the flashing Acuma logo.
If you are satisfied with the timing, you can lock or unlock the
tempo using the right mouse button to click on the red Acuma
logo. It will stop flashing once lock is selected. Resyncing the
tempo (setting where beat one is placed) is achieved with one
left tap of the mouse on the correct beat while in either the
tempo lock or unlock position.