Mark Levinson 53 User Manual

Page 27

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Nº53 Power Amplifier

Status Reporting

The Nº53 slave(s) can report the following status information to the
master device:

Temp (Temperature) – the current operating temperature of
the amplifier(s).

Session Time – the amount of time that the amplifier(s) has
been powered on.

Total On Time – the total amount of hours that the Nº53
amplifier(s) has been powered on since its manufacture.

If a slave device is inactive, unassigned, or assigned to a different
master, then status information is not available.

Fault Reporting

The Nº53 slave(s) also reports fault information to the master
device. If a slave device is inactive, unassigned, or assigned to a
different master, then error reporting is not available. For more
information about possible fault conditions, refer to the
“Troubleshooting” section of the manual.