Network setup – Mark Levinson 53 User Manual

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Nº53 Power Amplifier

Network Setup

The Nº53 reference power amplifier supports network connection
through the Ethernet port. The Nº53 can connect to a network
through use of a router or directly to a computer.

The Nº53 can be:

1. Connected to a router with DHCP active – We highly

recommend using this option. Since the DHCP (Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol) automatically assigns the IP (Internet
Protocol) addresses, setup is much simpler.

2. Connected to a router with DHCP not active – This method

requires more advanced networking knowledge to set up
because it uses fixed static IP addressing.

3. Connected directly to a computer with no router – We

recommend only using this option when a router is not
available. This method requires more advanced networking
knowledge to set up because it uses fixed static IP addressing
and a special network crossover cable.

This section provides general instructions for all three methods.

Material Requirements

The following materials are required to connect the Nº53 to the
network with a router:

Nº53 reference monaural power amplifier

Two twisted-pair network cables

PC-compatible computer with 10/100BaseT network card

10/100BaseT router


The Nº53 does not support wireless connection. However, a cable
attached from the amplifier to a wireless adapter can be used to
interface with a wireless network.

The following materials are required to connect the Nº53 to a
computer without the use of a router:

Nº53 reference monaural power amplifier

Network crossover cable

PC-compatible computer with 10/100BaseT network card