Mark Levinson 500H User Manual

Page 20

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Mark Levinson


3. Set up the router to the IP address 192.168.50.x – where x

stands for a number other than 0, 3, 4, 5, 255, or the number
used for the computer IP address. The router must be on the
same subnet as the amplifier and the computer, but also must
have its own unique address. Refer to the router’s owner’s
manual for instructions on how to modify the IP address.

4. Press the Power button on the amplifier.

5. On the computer, open the Internet Explorer Web browser.

6. On the address (URL) line, type in the static IP address of the

amplifier preceded by "http://"and press Enter. (For example,
"") There may be a short delay before the
amplifier Web page loads.

7. The Home tab of the amplifier’s internal Web page is now

displayed. The tab is in red text to indicate that it is the current

8. Observe that the Status section of the Web page identifies the

host name of the amplifier. The host name can be modified,
but only the first eight characters are affected; anything after
the underscore may not be modified.

To change the host name of the amplifier:

A. Type the new name into the white box to the right of the

parameter. The new name must be made from the capital
letters, A to Z, and the numbers, 0 to 9. Underscores may
also be used. Only eight characters are allowed.

The host name MUST start with an alpha-character (A to Z). This is a
standard networking rule.

B. Click the Submit button to save the new value.

C. Click the Refresh button in the Status section of the Web

page to observe the new host name.

9. Observe that the Status section of the Web page also identifies

the IP address of the amplifier. The static IP address can be
modified, if desired.

To change the IP address of the amplifier:

A. Type the new IP address into the white box to the right of

the parameter.

B. Click the Submit button to save the new value.

C. Enter the new IP address of the amplifier into the

browser. The amplifier Web page loads, reflecting the new

The network connection is now complete.
