1 introduction – Moxa Technologies INTELLIO C218 User Manual
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Intellio C218Turbo /PCI User's Manual
Intellio - The Intelligent Multiport Serial I/O Solutions
Intellio C218Turbo/PCI is an 8 port high performance intelligent serial
interface board designed for 32-bit PCI bus with “Plug and Play” feature. It is
suitable for remote access, industrial control and office automation, where a PC
system needs to communicate with multiple modems, data acquisition equipment,
serial printers and any other serial devices through RS-232/RS-422/RS-485
Intellio C218Turbo/PCI board provides 8 serial ports. Up to four boards of
Intellio C218Turbo/PCI may be used in the same system. See Section “Features” and
Chapter “Hardware installation” for details.
PCI Solution
The board complies with PCI Spec. 2.1 and has neither switch nor jumper.
Hardware configuration for IRQ and Memory addresses is automatically assigned by
PCI BIOS. Hence, it is a must to have the board plugged first before installing
software driver. For more PCI information, see Appendix “Technical Reference”.
Low Host Processor Overhead
Intellio C218Turbo/PCI is equipped with a high performance processor
(TMS320) and 512KB on-board memory to relieve the host’s CPU workload of all
data and I/O handling tasks. A buffer holds transmitted and received data to prevent
data loss.