Moxa Technologies INTELLIO C218 User Manual
Page 40

Intellio C218Turbo /PCI User's Manual
In the “Advanced Settings” dialog box, you may customize the driver with the
following two features:
Enable: You can set this feature to “Enable” (default) and gain best
performance for the board.
Disable: You can set this feature to "Disable" to avoid from data loss when
communicating with communication devices using S/W flow control.
Transmission Mode
Hi-PerformanceMode: This feature is set to “Hi-Performance” by default,
which accelerates the reaction of data writing behavior by utilizing buffering
technology. It lets your communication software reach maximum data
throughput in large data transmission.
Classical Mode: It lets MOXA ports behave like generic COM ports.
Transmission for small data packets would be more precisely and reliable.
4. Click on [OK] buttons for all the dialogs to finish the configuration and exit the
MOXA Configuration Panel”.
5. Restart Windows 95/98 system if you have changed any settings.
Note !
The latest configuration will not take effect unless the system restarts.