Vlan – Motorola Netopia 3397GP User Manual
Page 74

Administrator’s Handbook
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VLAN page appears.
A Vir tual Local Area Network (VLAN) is a network of computers or other devices that behave as if they
are connected to the same wire even though they may be physically located on different segments of a
LAN. You set up VLANs by configuring the Gateway software rather than hardware. This makes VLANs
ver y flexible. VLANs behave like separate and independent networks.
VLANs are strictly layer 2 entities. They can be thought of as vir tual Ethernet switches, into which can
be added: Ethernet por ts, router IP inter faces, ATM PVC/VCC inter faces, SSIDs, and any other physical
por t such as USB, HPNA, or MOCA. This allows great flexibility on how the components of a system are
connected to each other.
VLANs are par t of Motorola’s VGx Vir tual Gateway technology which allows individual por t-based VLANs
to be treated as separate and distinct “channels.” When data is passed to a Motorola Netopia
enabled broadband gateway, specific policies, routing, and prioritization parameters can be applied to
each individual ser vice, delivering that ser vice to the appropriate networked device with the required
level of quality of ser vice (QoS). In effect, a single Motorola gateway acts as separate vir tual gateways
for each distinct ser vice being delivered.
Motorola’s VGx technology provides ser vice segmentation and QoS controls, and suppor ts deliver y of
triple play applications: voice for IP Telephony, video for IPTV, and data.
Your Gateway suppor ts the following:
VLAN management access restriction.
Global VLANs - these are used when trunking/tagging is required on any por t member of the VLAN.
Trunks are used to interconnect switches to form networks. The VLANs can communicate with each
other via a trunking connection between the two switches using the router.
- Suppor ts 802.1q and 802.1p; both are configurable
Por t-based VLANs - these can be used when no trunking is required
Routed VLANs
- WAN-side VLAN with Multiple WAN IPoE/PPPoE inter face suppor t and IP inter face-to-VLAN binding