Multi-Tech Systems FR3060 User Manual
Page 32

MultiFRAD 3000-Series User Guide
46. The Frame Relay DLCI Setup dialog box displays a number of DLCIs in the DLCI dialog box
window. In the example, the Total DLCIs window shows 8 DLCIs detected by the Frame
Relay network.
Click a DLCI that you want to map. The Protocol Mappings, Port Mappings, and all the other
groups become active.
47. If a Network Protocol was enabled during the loading of the software, the protocol mapping is
activated. To map a Protocol Stack to a DLCI, click the Protocol Stack’s down arrow. A listing
displays None and your IP WAN address and/or IPX network number. Choose the address or
network number you want to map to the selected DLCI.
48. To map a data port to this DLCI, click on the data port number(s) in the Port Mappings that
you want to associate with this DLCI.
49. Ensure that Throttle Up and Down in the Congestion Management category is selected.
50. Ensure that Adhere to CIR + Be check box in the Mode category is selected. Multi-Tech
recommends this setting initially.
51. Click the Committed Information Rate numeric box in the Settings (in Bits/second)
category and enter the CIR value provided by your service provider at subscription time for
this DLCI.
52. Click the Excess Burst Rate (Be) numeric box in the Settings (in Bits/second) category
and enter the Be value provided by your service provider at subscription time for this DLCI.
The Compression option in the Others group may be useful at low link speeds (speeds up to
56Kbps). With a high speed link (above 56Kbps), Multi-Tech recommends not using this
53. Repeat steps 47 through 52 for each detected DLCI to map it to its associated protocols and
54. Click the OK button when you are satisified with your selections.
55. The Frame Relay Setup dialog box is displayed.
Click OK.