Multi-Tech Systems FR3060 User Manual
Page 28

MultiFRAD 3000-Series User Guide
If you want to dedicate a voice/fax channel to a point-to-point configuration; i.e., the device
on a local channel will automatically call a specific channel on a remote MultiFRAD; click the
Auto Call Enable option in the Auto Call group. Then enter the appropriate DLCI in the
DLCI Number field. Change the channel number to the channel of the remote MultiFRAD
you want to call.
Enabling the Auto Call feature means that this channel does not have to be entered in the
Phone Directory Database.
31. Duplicate to Channels group will copy the selected configuration to other voice/fax
channels. Click on the channel number(s) and click Copy button.
32. When you are satisfied with your interface choices, and if the default voice coder is
acceptable and your country/region is the default USA, then you can click OK and continue
building your phone directory data base.
If you need to change the voice coder, click the Voice/Fax tab and proceed to step 33.
If your country/region is not the default USA, then click the Regional tab and proceed to step
33. To change the voice coder, first select the channel by clicking the Select Channel down
arrow and highlighting the channel number, then click the Voice Coder down arrow and
highlight your new voice coder.
If you change the voice coder selection, ensure that the same voice coder is used on voice/
fax channels communicating with each other. Voice/fax channels can use different voice
coders; however, a channel using one voice coder can not connect to a channel using a
different voice coder.
Duplicate to Channels group will copy the selected configuration to other voice/fax channel.
Click on the channel number(s) and click Copy button.