MSI G52-MA00542 User Manual
Page 60

Chapter 3
the sleep state. Available options are:
Single LED The power LED turns off to indicate the sleep state.
Dual LED
The power LED changes its color to indicate the sleep
After AC Power Lost
This item specifies whether your system will reboot after a power failure or
interrupt occurs. Available settings are:
Power Off
Leaves the computer in the power off state.
Power On
Reboots the computer.
Last State
Restores the system to the status before power failure
or interrupt occurred.
PM Wake Up Events
IRQ [3-7,9-15], NMI & IRQ 8 Break Suspend
This setting enables/disables the monitoring of the specified IRQ line. If
set to Enabled, the activity of the specified IRQ line will prevent the
system from entering power saving modes or awaken it from power sav-
ing modes. Setting options: Disabled, Enabled.
Note: IRQ (Interrupt Request) lines are system resources allocated
to I/O devices. When an I/O device needs to gain attention of the
operating system, it signals this by causing an IRQ to occur. After
receiving the signal, when the operating system is ready, the system
will interrupt itself and perform the service required by the I/O device.