Fru list view, Fru list view -23 – McDATA Sphereon 4500 User Manual

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FRU List View


Monitoring and Managing the Switch

Clear Link Incident Alert

Reset Port

Port Binding

Clear Threshold Alert(s)

For Node Properties, if a node is not logged in a message displays indicating
that node information is not available.

FRU List View

Display the FRU List in the main panel by selecting the FRU List view
tab on the Product Manager window. This view displays information
about all installed FRUs on the switch. All data is dynamic and
updates automatically as the software detects changes.

Figure 2-12

FRU List View

Information on the FRU List View for each FRU includes:

FRU Name: CTP (Control Processor), and PWR (power-supply
module). Note that the CTP is an internal component, and if it
fails completely the entire switch must be replaced.