Motorola Canopy FSK and OFDM radios PTP 100 (FSK) User Manual

Page 30

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Release 11.0

Release Notes and User Guide Supplement

Issue 1, March 2011





Discussion and Recommendations


Managing module
accounts and
passwords (none)

The best security practice is to be aware a factory unit comes with root
and admin accounts, to plan your approach to accounts, and set
passwords for all accounts.
A module that either is fresh from the factory or has been operator-reset to
factory defaults has two user accounts: root and admin, both with
ADMINISTRATOR level permissions.
To secure a module, access the Account => Change Users Password tab
and add a password to each of these accounts. Adding a password to only
one account still leaves the other open. Furthermore, an account without a
password will accept any password potentially giving the impression the
unit is protected when it isn’t.
Alternatively, an operator’s practices may be to delete the admin account
or delete the root account and replace them with their own account(s). By
default, Prizm, One Point Wireless Manager and CNUT use the root
account to manage the module, so if you delete root accounts on
modules you will need to make coordinated changes to Prizm, Wireless
Manager, and CNUT to access them with your own accounts.


Use 16 or fewer
characters in user
account names,
passwords, and
Strings (7808)

SNMP doesn’t do data-entry checking, so more than 16 characters may be
entered, but only 16 characters will be saved and displayed.

AP and

Timed Spectrum
Analyzer settings
anomaly (7442)

Values of Timed Spectrum Analyzer duration and Spectrum Analysis
on Boot
get saved by clicking any button on the page, not just when
clicking Save Changes or Start Time Spectrum Analysis (which is
typical operation for other pages).

AP and

Best Practice is to
set SM to same
Region Code as
AP (none)

When an SM registers to an AP, it assumes the Region Code and
associated parameters of the AP, disregarding any Region code set in the
SM by you. However, the best practice is still for you to set a Region Code
in the SM so that displayed options are consistent with the region.


Details on pinging
Canopy modules

A ping size larger than 1494 bytes to a radio will time out and fail.
However, a ping of greater than 1494 bytes to a system that is behind a
radio typically succeeds. To gain an accurate view of latency, ping through
the radio to a system beyond. Canopy transports ping traffic with the same
priority as all transport traffic, but may handle a direct ping with lower
priority when running under load.


AP may be listed
twice in SM’s AP
Evaluation tab

To help during aiming, the SM’s Tools > AP Evaluation tab maintains AP
entries for 15 minutes. If the frequency of an AP is changed, for 15
minutes the AP is listed twice in the AP Evaluation tab, once with the
former frequency, and once with the new one.

AP and

When using Link
Test with MIR
need to set both
ends (4844, 2756)

To see the effects of MIR capping, you can run a link test with MIR
enabled. To get meaningful results, set Link Test with MIR to Enabled on
the Tools => Link Capacity Test tab in both the SM and the AP. When it is
enabled on only one end, results are misleading.
After you run perform a link test with MIR capping enabled, consider
immediately changing Link Test with MIR to Disabled in both the SM and
the AP, to avoid mistakenly capping only one end of the link test.