Motorola Canopy FSK and OFDM radios PTP 100 (FSK) User Manual
Page 16
Release 11.0
Release Notes and User Guide Supplement
Issue 1, March 2011
Figure 3: SM's Configuration > Security tab
5.2.3 SM - Phase 1 (Outside Identity) parameters and settings
Refer to
Figure 3: SM's Configuration > Security tab
to see the GUI options.
The only protocol supported for the Phase 1 (Outside Identity) phase of authentication is
EAPTTLS (Extensible Authentication Protocol Tunneled Transport Layer Security).
Configure an outer Identity in the Username field. This must match the Phase 1/Outer Identity
username configured in the RADIUS server. The default Phase 1/Outer Identity Username is
“anonymous”. The Username can be up to 128 non-special (no diacritical markings)
alphanumeric characters.
If Realms are being used, select Enable Realm and configure an outer identity in the Identity
field and a Realm in the Realm field. These must match the Phase 1/Outer Identity and Realm
configured in the RADIUS server. The default Identity is “anonymous”. The Identity can be up to
128 non-special (no diacritical markings) alphanumeric characters. The default Realm is
“”. The Realm can also be up to 128 non-special alphanumeric characters.
5.2.4 SM - Phase 2 (Inside Identity) parameters and settings
Refer to
Figure 3: SM's Configuration > Security tab
to see the GUI options.