Safety instructions for metal cutting bandsaws – Grizzly G0717 User Manual
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Model g0717 (Mfg. since 9/10)
safety instructions for Metal Cutting
fiRE hazaRD. use eXtreMe Caution if
cutting magnesium. using the wrong cutting
fluid will lead to chip fire and possible explo-
CuttinG fLuiD safEty. always follow man-
ufacturer’s cutting-fluid safety instructions. pay
particular attention to contact, contamina-
tion, inhalation, storage and disposal warnings.
spilled cutting fluid invites slipping hazards.
attEntiOn tO wORK aREa. never leave
a machine running and unattended. pay atten-
tion to the actions of others in the area to avoid
unintended accidents.
MaintEnanCE/sERviCE. all inspections,
adjustments, and maintenance are to be done
with the machine disconnected from the power
hEaRinG pROtECtiOn & hazaRDs. noise
generated by blade and workpiece vibration,
material handling, and power transmission can
cause permanent hearing loss over time and
interfere with communication and audible sig-
hOt suRfaCEs. Contact with hot surfaces
from machine components, ejections of hot
chips, swarf and workpiece can cause burns.
BLaDE COnDitiOn. do not operate with dull,
cracked or badly worn blade.
inspect blades for
cracks and missing teeth before each use.
hanD pLaCEMEnt. never position fingers
or thumbs in line with the cut.
hands could be
crushed in vise or from falling machine compo-
EntanGLEMEnt hazaRDs. do not oper-
ate this bandsaw without blade guard in place.
loose clothing, jewelry, long hair and work
gloves can be drawn into working parts.
BLaDE REpLaCEMEnt. When replac-
ing blades, make sure teeth face toward the
workpiece. Wear gloves to protect hands and
safety glasses to protect eyes.
wORKpiECE hanDLinG. always support the
workpiece with table, vice, or some type of sup-
port fixture. Flag long pieces to avoid a tripping
hazard. never hold the workpiece with your
hands during a cut.
LOss Of staBiLity. unsupported workpieces
may jeopardize machine stability and cause the
machine to tip and fall which could cause seri-
ous injury.
pOwER intERRuptiOn. unplug machine
after power interruption. Machines without mag-
netic switches can start up after power is
no list of safety guidelines can be complete. Every shop environment is different. Like all
machines there is danger associated with the Model G0717. accidents are frequently caused by
lack of familiarity or failure to pay attention. use this machine with respect and caution to lessen
the possibility of operator injury. if normal safety precautions are overlooked or ignored, serious
personal injury may occur.