Additional safety instructions for mills – Grizzly G0695 User Manual
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model g0695 (mfg. since 9/10)
No list of safety guidelines can be complete.
Every shop environment is different. Always
consider safety first, as it applies to your
individual working conditions. use this and
other machinery with caution and respect.
failure to do so could result in serious per-
sonal injury, damage to equipment, or poor
work results.
Additional Safety Instructions for Mills
sure you understand the use and operation
of all controls before operating machine.
2. SAfETy ACCESSORIES. always use a
chip guard in addition to your safety glasses,
or use a face shield when milling to reduce
the risk of injury from flying chips.
3. WORK HOLDING. Before starting the
machine, be certain the workpiece has
been properly clamped to the table. if the
workpiece comes loose during operation,
serious injury or property damage could
occur. nEVEr hold the workpiece by hand
during operation.
. always remove
chuck key, drawbar wrench, and any ser-
vice tools immediately after use and before
starting the mill to prevent them from being
thrown at yourself or bystanders.
5. SpINDLE SpEEDS. to reduce the risk
injury from the tool or workpiece breaking
apart, always select the spindle speed
is appropriate for the type of work and mate-
rial. allow the mill to reach full speed before
beginning a cut.
6. STOppING SpINDLE. to avoid lacera-
tion or abrasion injuries, do not stop the
spindle by putting your hand on it. allow the
spindle to stop on its own, or in the case of
an emergency, use the spindle brake.
7. CLEAN-up. the chips produced during
operation are hot and sharp. do not clear
chips by hand or compressed air. Use a
brush or vacuum, and never clear chips
while the spindle is turning.
never operate the mill with damaged or
worn parts. maintain your mill in proper
working condition. perform routine inspec-
tions and maintenance promptly. put away
adjustment tools after use.
9. TOOL HOLDING. always use the proper
for your operation. to avoid having a
cutting tool be thrown from the mill at a high
rate or speed, make sure it is properly and
firmly installed.
to avoid
the risk of injury from shattering cutting
tools, always inspect cutting tools for sharp-
ness, chips, or cracks before each use.
replace dull, chipped, or cracked cutting
tools immediately. handle new cutting tools
with care. Leading edges are very sharp and
can cause lacerations.
11. pOWER DISRupTION. in the event of a
local power outage during operation, turn
OFF all switches to avoid possible sudden
startup once power is restored.
Like all machinery there is potential dan-
ger when operating this mill. Accidents are
frequently caused by lack of familiarity or
failure to pay attention. use this mill with
respect and caution to reduce the risk of
operator injury. If normal safety precau-
tions are overlooked or ignored, serious
personal injury may occur.